Today’s blog features a guest post by Katherine Abraham.
Sure, we all long to love and be loved.
However, the journey in finding ‘The One’ isn’t always a walk in the park. Some may find love early, while some will have to wait before it arrives.
They say love is fleeting and elusive. This statement may be true if we keep on chasing after love rather than gracefully allowing God to hand over love to us.
The Christian life is full of mysteries. It includes the unpredictability of love. Dig into this article to know the ten reasons why you should allow God to control your love life!
The Ten Reasons To Allow God Control Your Love Life:
1. Because He is God
- Stand Still and Know That He is God
Psalms 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” There is no greater assurance knowing that the author of love is in control over our love lives.
It is easy to fret and worry about the things that we have no control of. But we have to rest knowing that God knows our desires and needs more than anyone else.
When in doubt, let’s remind ourselves. Is there anything too hard for the Lord? (Jeremiah 33:27).
2. Because He has Plans for You
- Nothing Beats God’s Blueprint for Our Lives!
Imagine God talking to you. He says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). Isn’t that beautiful?
We must allow God to take control over our love lives because He knows the blueprint of our lives. He created us with our happiness in mind. He knows the seemingly long and arduous waiting time will lead us to a love we always desire.
So, chin up! God has a plan for you.
3. Because Every Good Thing Comes From Him
- Who’s Up for Heaven’s Gift?
How many times did the Israelites turn their back from God and were ruined? On the other hand, how many times did they obey, and they reaped blessings?
The Bible says, “Every good thing is given, and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow” (James 1: 17-19).
We have to remember that God is our greatest benefactor. Just like an earthly father, He is willing to bestow upon His children every good gift (Luke 11:13).
4. Because a Good Wife or Husband is From the Lord
- I Want a Husband/Wife– The One Who Came From God!
The Bible has given us examples of love stories God wrought and approved. In Proverbs 19:14, it says, “Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the LORD.” And in Proverbs 20: 6, “Many claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful person who can find?”
A good spouse is far more precious than rubies (Proverbs 31:10). And thus, the best ones are not expected to fall from a tree. The best ones are a result of obedience and tons of prayers!
- Example of Biblical love stories:
- Adam and Eve
- Sarah and Abraham
- Isaac and Rebekah
- Ruth and Boaz
- Elkanah and Hannah
- Solomon and Shulamite woman
- Hosea and Gomer
- Mary and Joseph
Can you think of other Biblical love stories?
5. Because Unless the Lord Builds a House Those Who Labors in it Labors in Vain
- Wanna Build a Home? Learn from the Great Master Home Builder!
The Bible describes that unless the Lord builds a house, those who labor in it labor in vain (Psalms 127:1).
Building a house is not an easy task. The same is true in building a home.
- Don’t Rush So You Won’t Crash!
Many young people would often rush to relationships and even marriage, realizing that they were only up for the pleasure but not for the consequences.
An engineer or an architect must create a plan first before constructing a home. Thus, everyone who contemplates marriage must first seek the great master home builder before pursuing this kind of venture.
6. Because Everything in Life is Vanity
- Lesson From The One Who Has It All
Solomon, the wisest and richest man, who lived with 700 wives and 300 concubines, said, “vanity of vanities, all is vanity” (Ecclesiastes 1:2)!
Who would’ve thought that the man who has everything would say this?
- Too Busy Running After Life? Well, That’s Vain!
This means that all that we’re running after in this life is meaningless. That includes the cute guy you secretly have a crush on in the church. Or the woman who happens to have the brightest smile in the neighborhood.
We must put God in control of our love lives because then again, everything apart from Christ– is vain!
7. Because Man Looks at the Outward Appearance, but the Lord Looks at the Heart
- The Qualities of a Perfect Spouse– Nah, Does That Even Exists?
We all have our ideals of a perfect spouse. It’s either you read it from a book, or you’ve watched it from a show. It doesn’t matter. The point is, people have standards.
Yet, if we allow ourselves to be the sole measure of our future relationships, we might be in peril. 1 Samuel 16: 7 says, “People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
- Walking with God–A Prerequisite before Adam Met Eve.
If we’re going to think about it, waiting is actually a blessing. Because by then, we get to know more God’s will for our lives and have a more profound and closer walk with him first. Remember, Adam has to spend time with God before he was introduced to Eve!
8. Because He is the God of Perfect Timing
- He Set Eternity in the Human Heart
The Bible says there is a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3).
He also mentioned in verse 11, “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
- Who Says Life is Defined By Its First 30 Years?
Most of us are running to beat the 30-year mark. It’s as if our lives are defined by the first thirty years of our lives. But is that really the case?
Today, remind yourself. Your God is a God of perfect timings. You are the apple of his eye, and there is no milestone that he would want you to miss! Trust in Him! He knows what’s best!
Check out a previous blog post about Waiting On God.
9. Because God Wants Us Not to Worry About Anything
- Cast Your Cares Upon the Lord
God cares for our mental health as well as our emotional health. He said, cast your cares upon me, for I care for you” (1 Peter 5:7).
He doesn’t want us to worry about anything (Philippians 4:6; Matthew 6: 25-34), for He wants us to be fully surrendered. Just like little children.
- We Cannot Weary God
I love this quote that says, “Keep your wants, your joys, your sorrows, your cares, and your fears before God. You cannot burden Him; you cannot weary Him. He who numbers the hairs of your head is not indifferent to the wants of His children.”
Why worry if you can pray? Why fret if you can wait?
10. Because He is Our Greatest Lover
- God’s Love Letter– Isn’t that Sweet?
It always warms my heart every time I read God’s love letter– the Bible. Indeed, God has his way of giving His children butterflies!
In Jeremiah 31:3, it says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love”. Isn’t that wonderful? God’s love for us has no bounds. Our ideals of love may often be too high or too low, but God loves us beyond our expectations!
- Cliche Alert: God Wants Us to Be Happy!
I know it’s cliche to say this, but God wants us to be happy. He created the desire in our hearts to love and be loved so that we can always turn to Him whenever we need it.
God has created a God-sized hole in our hearts; He longs to fill.
Final take: HERE ‘YE!
Are you worried?
Are you discouraged?
Have you been waiting for so long?
Trust God, and things will never go wrong! He is the most excellent love doctor. Don’t hesitate to go to His words every time you need a love prescription!
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Short Bio:
Katherine Abraham, is a host, and dost on Chasing Hope. It’s an inspiring podcast about the Christian life where it talks about faith, hope, and some Christian history. Besides spiritual life topics, the podcast also talks about career, family, and plenty of areas that concern the listener.

Powerful thanks very much
I have Aspergers Syndrome….im a combat vet from Iraq and Afghan…
And drinking alcohol …. When im buzzed… I can have good conversations, sober… I just sound like a retard( witch technically I am) and people turn away from sober speech looking at me with disgust.
I know drinking is bad… But sober hurts way more.
Group talks….no way,.
Talking openly…. Only to ones that WONT BAKER ACK MYSELF AND FORCE MEDS DOWN MY throat.
Love… I don’t know what to do, i’ve burned many bridges in my life with females. Any help or advice?
Thank you ! Especially on God’s timing .Sometimes we just need to be patient and continue to delight in serving him.I strongly believe that God is the one who brings two people together. I will never lose hope on Love through Christ who gives the strength.
So Insightful.Thank you .