John persevered when he was single and now he's married to Michelle!
Michelle signed up for a free one-week trial and I was a paying member.
At the end of the week I sent her my contact information, because I did not want to let her get away (and I had paid privileges). We emailed for a while and then started talking by phone.
After communicating for about 6 weeks, we met in person and started introducing each other to our friends and family. By the end of the summer we were both pretty sure that our relationship was built to last.
After reading some Christian dating/courtship books together, we got engaged in December 2009 and married May 2010.
We are very happy and strongly believe that this was a match made by God. Thanks for providing such a great service, through which the Lord could show us His blessing!
John-john2460 {Connecticut} & Michelle-michelle6237 {Connecticut} February 2011
Kim and Ken celebrating their 'wonderful day'!
It was a wonderful day and we are so grateful to the Lord for bringing us together...and!
We will never forget your website and your ministry to singles.
Kim-snowwhite172 {California} & Ken-kenneth935 {California} February 2011
[Editor's note: See August 2009 testimonial to hear how they met!]
Melissa was looking for friends but found her husband, Michael!
My whole motive to go and try the free trial was to branch out to more Christians as friends.
I first made contact on with my now newly wed husband, Michael, on July 12, 2005. I think what interested me was how he said he was into strawberry picking.
He sent me a message back and we kept chatting on email for 2 weeks straight. It's a funny thing because Michael bought a membership on with only few dollars remaining because he thought he had a funny feeling.
We officially met in person on July 28, 2005 in my church parking lot. We met there because I was going to take him to a service but when he stepped out of his car, I got really nervous and suggested we go down the street for Greek food.
Something inside of me told me to keep him as a friend and not let him go just yet. We hung out for 2 months solid going to movies, going to the zoo and all the fun things until September came where he told me he had to go to Australia for work for 3 months.
We were only friends when he left but we talked every single day for 3 months solid, only to fall in love with each other.
Exactly 4 years to the date we met online, he proposed to me in the same church parking lot where we met in person.
One year later we married at Old Mill in Toronto, Ontario with 40 of our closest friends and family.
To this day, we still talk about how we met on and how it brought us together. God definitely saw how perfect we were for each other 5 years ago.
Melissa-justdoit623 {Ontario} & Michael-badboynowgood463 {Ontario} February 2011
RIchard and Jennifer on their wedding day
Nice big smile from the bride, Jennifer!
A smiling Richard, after meeting Jennifer
Richard and I chatted on and eventually when we got to know each other better.
We phoned each other and that was it. He is a prophet for the Lord so he actually also knew before I did that he was going to marry me.
He was listed under the men in South Africa. I am an ex South African who immigrated to Australia in 1986. Richard has immigrated to Australia now.
The whole way in which we got married was just amazing and a series of miracles took place the way things turned out.
I will enclose a few photos for your perusal. The first two were of our wedding in South Africa on a little farm beside the Mooi River.
Jennifer-cheetah635 {Queensland, Australia} & Richard {South Africa} February 2011
Don't Chris and Nora look happy on their wedding day!
We connected first because of our Christian faith and love for Christ; second because we are both nature lovers and our business reflects it (he is a beekeeper, and I'm a butterfly breeder); 3rd, because we both lost our prior mate but know life must go on.
Thank you again and my God continue to bless you in helping others find friendship and love.
Chris-ibeeme103 {California} & Nora-silvabfly746 {California} February 2011
[Editor's note: See November 2010 testimonial to hear how they met!]
Robyn with husband Dan, the man of her dreams
Our first 'meeting' was in the way of a 'wink' from Dan in April of 2010.
From the first few weeks of messages, I knew I had met someone special, and it was like love at first sight when we finally went on our first date.
I was looking for a serious relationship, but wasn't holding out much hope that I would find a husband online. I was just open to whatever came up, and God worked a miracle through that and brought Dan to me.
We were engaged after 5 months and married after 9 months! Thank you so much for providing the tool for me to meet the man of my dreams!
Robyn-robyanne808 {Alberta} & Dan-dpelech449 {Alberta} February 2011
Daniel and Dinah found it easy to get to know each other
2 years after they met, Daniel and Dinah married!
About a month after signing up, I received an email from someone. We started emailing back and forth and to my surprise, it was very easy to come up with stuff to talk about.
After several months, we started talking on the phone. We would talk for hours at a time. After about a month of that, we nervously met at a local coffee shop.
She was exactly as beautiful as she appeared in her pictures and she has an amazing personality. About 2 years after we first started exchanging emails, we finally got married on Jan 8, 2011.
I'm glad I waited for a quality person such as her.
Dinah: We were married at the Phoenix Zoo (site of our first date AND where he proposed to me!) on January 8, 2011.
I am so happy that I was part of a website community that led me to cross paths with my future husband!! :)
Daniel-shadowman875 {Washington} & Dinah-tempe133 {Arizona} February 2011
A wink was all it took for Anna and Ken. Look at them now!
He sent me a wink and I responded to it. I introduced myself, telling him my name and asked him a couple questions about himself.
A few days went by, and then he wrote me back answering the questions I had asked him. The funny thing was he never told me his name.
The next message I wrote him I said, "Hello. I don't think I know your name." Next time we corresponded, he told me his name saying, "I forgot to mention that little detail". I thought it was kind of cute.
We had so much in common - things we enjoyed, liked, the same Christian and family values - it just seemed like the perfect match. We met in person at a church service in November, just a few weeks after we started talking.
We continued to see each other just about everyday after that! Thinking that neither of us would ever get married because we couldn't find that one special person who we desired to be our soul mate, both of us almost gave up.
However, God had a very special plan for the two of us. The next month on Christmas Day, which was also my birthday, he asked me to marry him. And of course, I said YES!!!
We were married on June 19th, 2010.
Anna-annadenise992 {North Carolina} & Ken-outdoorlover358 {North Carolina} February 2011
Fortunately John gave another chance - he's now happily married to Carla!
Two and a half years ago I had given up on dating, although I still prayed that God would somehow lead me to that perfect person, and I received one of your three-days free offers.
As I looked through the pictures I said to myself, "No, I don't want to be dating any more," and then I saw Carla's face, and it was like I knew her from someplace long-ago and deep inside.
I sent her a note that said simply, "I think you and I need to be talking." A few days later I heard from Carla.
We eventually moved from e-mail to phone and then decided to meet face-to-face. There was instant chemistry.
I proposed six months after our initial e-mails and we were married four months after that, on June 20, 2009.
We are now a happily married, Christian couple. You have a wonderful site and have made a difference in our lives.
John-johnniequest694 {Ohio} & Carla-speciallady787 {Ohio} February 2011
Great job, Well worth the extra money.
In a word: thank you.
David-wilmkulaugh393 {New Brunswick} February 2011
[Editor's note: See June 2011 testimonial to read their engagement announcement and September 2011 testimonial to read their wedding testimonial and a photo of the happy couple.]
From Abe: I have known a lot of women, & had a lot of online dating experience, but have never met anybody like Marie.
She had a number of "confirmations" that I was the right one, & I had several myself, including peace about going through a premarital counseling book with her that I'd never been through before.
It was a short courtship (another story!) but both of us are confident we married the right person! God Bless you all, & thank you very much for a great Christian oriented dating service!
From Marie:I had two accounts over the years. One was made five years ago when I was still in the Philippines and one was few months after I arrived in the United States almost a year ago now.
Both of my accounts were intended to gain new friends and a desperate act of finding someone to simply talk to, especially after the move to the U.S.
I'm getting ahead of myself, let me tell you the whole story.
It was a long wait for the immigrant visa to be granted by virtue of a petition filed by my Mom. And while waiting for it, I immersed myself wholly in the ministry that I have been involved with for the past 12 years.
I set up my first account in (in 2001) to meet missionaries from different countries and eventually forgot about it. When I finally arrived in the U.S. late January last year, I found myself alienated from the life as I knew it.
Suddenly there was nothing to do, no Christian friends and no church and I just felt so lost and alone. After a few months God blessed me with a job where I also found new friends got emotionally involved with an unbeliever.
Again came the desperation for a Christian friend to just talk things over with.
Then I remembered
My first exchange of mails with Abe was a record 16 long emails in 9 hours. It turned out Abe was real alright, as real as the Marriage Certificate that carry both our names. Thank you, ChristianCafe,com Staff and Management! God bless you more!!!
Marie-kryzti952 / mariekismet422 {Philippines/Colorado} & Abe-affectionlver103 {Colorado} February 2011
Bob and I met on and fell in love over the phone. He proposed to me 2 hours, yes 2 hours, after seeing me for the first time. That was the best part!!!!!!!! We've now been happily married for four years!
God is soooo good!
Victoria-justme6377 {Alberta} & Bob February 2011
When I have received messages from "unseemly" people, they are quickly removed from the system. I appreciate how you will only accept appropriate photos/comments/etc.
You are all to be commended for what you do!
Sheila-proverbslady133 {Nebraska} & jbpinaz883 {Arizona} February 2011
Last week, he came to met me for the first time and your spiritual soul tie hits off right away. I would like to thank you and everybody operating this site for doing such a great job in helping single Christians across the world to find their new love.
I pray that this new found relationship will take off and we be together forever.... thank you and I would like to submit a prayer to your awesome site:
Dear Father, Lord in heaven, thank you for this wonderful website that allow Christians all over the world to meet and find new love. When love is gone, what else we have but a glimpse of hope to find someone new to love and cherish us just like you, o Lord.
Thank you, Lord, for this possibility created by a team of strong and dedicated people at Please continue to prosper them and bless them abundantly. In mighty Jesus' name we pray - AMEN.
Thank you
Ruth-thetruth885 {Malaysia} February 2011
Anyway I met a lovely girl on here from Auckland, NZ who I went on a couple of dates with.
Anyway she wasn't the one for me however I started to become good friends with her friend from church and we are now dating and actually planning our whole futures together. So I guess we owe the credit to you guys for connecting us. Thanks and keep up the good work.
James-muppetboy223 {New Zealand} February 2011
I tried to do this during a time when there wouldn't be much traffic, and I'm very please that 1) is around, and 2) that you're so on the ball.
Andrea-andrea917 {Ontario} February 2011
[Editor's note: See September 2016 testimonial to hear about Andrea's beau!]
We had so much fun, we decided over a couple of months to take it up a notch,and make us exclusive in the dating and courtship realm.
We got engaged CHRISTmas Eve, and then married New Years Eve..We are so much a like,and love the same things..WHAT A MATCH! Thanks so much for making it possible for me to find my soul mate. God Bless you.
Karon-heavensviolin388 {British Columbia} & Gregory {British Columbia} February 2011
We have been dating since November and planning a future together. We met and it has been a true gift from GOD.
We strive everyday to maintain a godly relationship, one that serves the Lord.
gmwillia952 {Ohio} & Craig-craigb562 {Ohio} February 2011
Jerome-botowner603 {Virginia} February 2011
We hit it off right away and have been dating since November 2010.
Things are going very well and we have committed to our relationship, so there wasn't a need for me to continue on here.
I am thankful to God and you for this resource that brought us together. If it wasn't for the faith-based profile questions and answers, we may not have connected like we did.
Andrew-icemankrebs630 {Colorado} & Dani-dtdance764 {Colorado} February 2011
Klodiana and I started talking right here on the Cafe and have been together ever since!
Right now we're going through a time of courtship and are looking forward to what God has planned for the future. Thanks for having this venue for us to meet!
David-dwash357 {California} & Klodiana-klodi379 {California} February 2011
We didn't start talking in earnest until August of 2010 and first met in October. We are now engaged and plan to marry in October of 2011.
Thank you for your great site. I have met many special women on this site and correspond with some still.
God bless you and Thank you again for providing a much needed service and may God continue to bless the fruits of your labors.
David-bearclaw736 {Illinois} & Barbie February 2011
I'm from the US, and she's from France, but we have found our soulmates!
I want to thank you for your service - I have found quality people on your site. It has taken a few years of looking, but I'm very happy that we have found each other.
Mark-markforhim752 {Arizona} & Joelle-tehilla913 {France} February 2011
I was saved in 2008, and baptized in March 2009 at age 54! I met Godly women in my first church and feelings were awoken in me.
Two months later, getting out of my car one night, I was overcome with an intense, profound feeling of loneliness. I went in my house, sat at the computer and typed on the Google line, "Christian women" as if one would just pop out of the screen.
I was led to in May 2009, compiled a profile, took a photo, and signed up.
After writing about 70 emails to dozens of women all around the country, learning to talk about myself, my faith, and making friends, I began to set up friendly meetings.
On my third meeting I met "SweetSara" and we have been "courting" for 18 months. I tell every single person I meet how valuable "" could be for them to meet a Godly friend, and hopefully a partner to someday serve God with.
SweetSara is a wonderful gift from God and was a part of our prayers being answered and our dreams coming true.
Michael-ml471 {Massachusetts} February 2011