Christian Testimony - January 2025

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 We will be celebrating our 15 year anniversary in February!  

A pretty blonde Christian woman in shades laughs as her husband snaps a selfie in the forest in the winter

Dana and Kyle enjoying life together

A beautiful Caucasian Christian woman smiles as she stands next to a bearded Christian man next to the water

Celebrating 15 wonderful years!

A proud dad and his sons show off their catch while fishing

Kyle enjoying life with 2 of their boys

A Christian mother stands proudly with her boy while on a hike

Dana enjoying life with their other boy!

Kyle and I are still going strong after 15 years this February. We thank the Lord for bringing us together in an unconventional way.

We have 3 boys (11,9,7) and a wealth of lessons we've learned including to never stop giving your all to your marriage and to keep Jesus at the center for true peace and contentment!

Thank you ChristianCafe!

Dana-shopgirl544 {Colorado} & Kyle-kylerfour651 {Kansas} January 2025

[Editor's note: See March 2009 for Dana's first testimonial, August 2009 for their engagement announcement, March 2010 testimonial for their marriage testimonial, January 2020 testimonial for their 10 year anniversary post!]

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 Cancel my membership.  

I have already found someone on your site! :)

Janne-janneal652 {Finland} January 2025

 Your site is by far the closest to meeting Christians than any other site I have used.  

kmarie597 {Delaware} January 2025

 I am in a relationship with Jean!  

And I no longer have a reason for continuing my account :)

Thanks for providing a platform for us to meet each other.

Willy-willy136 {Indiana} & Jean-wintergirl909 {Philippines} January 2025

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 Thanks for protecting us all in cyberspace from scammers.  


Batia-beth8254 {Florida} January 2025

 Praise God I've finally got a good news to share with you.  

We got engaged through Christian Cafe on 31st Oct 2024!

We plan to get marry in USA by the end of this year.

Ujala-grace1028 {Pakistan} & Zain-zainfl558 {Florida} January 2025

 I married the last guy I met on Christian Cafe.  

I was about to leave dating sites for at least a while when I met "Joe from Florida" (what i referred to him as).

Anyway... long story short, we got married a year later in October <3

Jacqueline-upstatenyker524 {New York} & Joe {Florida} January 2025

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 I am quite pleased with the level of decency on in terms of profile pictures as well as profile content.  

It's a testament that it is a good representation of a Christian platform unlike some other supposedly tagged "Christian" platforms.

Nathan-otkingsnathan928 {Finland} January 2025

 You are a truly BLESSING to many and God bless you is my prayer !  

You have a wonderful website. Thank you for everything you do.

Dario-insixdays867 {British Columbia} January 2025

 Christian Cafe is the most reputable Christian website I've found.  

Thanks! Keep up the great work to help us find our missing treasure.

Paul-sojourner980 {Virginia} January 2025

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 I hope my story will be encouraging even if it is not the traditional ending.  

I started using Christian Cafe in the dark season of Covid-19. I was nursing in the corona ward and coming home to isolation and deep loneliness.

The Lord had taught me some relational lessons before but I was determined to learn from this experience and persist until I found a companion.

So I resolved to be positive, to bring good and not harm to every man I met online, and to learn and change so that I could be the "right person" at the right time.

And boy did I go on a learning journey. I met wonderful, real people along my journey on Christian Cafe. Each encounter taught me something about myself and about God's great love and the mystery of marriage. I met a good man who expressed love and delight in me very quickly, and then dropped me just as quickly....

And from that sadness I learned, miraculously, that I was lovable and delightful.

I met a good man whose gentleness, convictions and intelligence captured my attention and my admiration but we mutually realized that our church life and theology were just different enough to be a deal-breaker.

And I gained a dear friend from that encounter and learned that unity in Christ is not enough to combine two separate paths.I met a good man who caught my attention by being a positive influence on the forums and "white knighting" for the gals, and we remain close friends to today, walking alongside each other through every sorrow, having realized we are simply better off as friends. And I learned that friendship with men is enriching and crucial and can be simply platonic.

I met a good man who took all the costs upon himself so we could meet, and I learned so many many things from him - but chiefly that I needed a lot more affection and communication than I previously thought. And I was sad when we parted.

I met a good man who had great potential and deep pain in his past who chose to part ways when his world crumbled around him. We remain friends, and I learned that God is deeply involved with timing.

I met a good man who loved me with all his might. And despite my efforts, I couldn't generate a reciprocal love, and with deep sadness I let him go, because I learned there is a deep mystery to love that cannot be brought about by an act of will.

And then I met someone at church. And finally, after 30 years on the marriage mart but no interest from local men, I met a very, very good man who asked me out to coffee, and a month later we are sitting on a bench in Jerusalem, hands intertwined, hearts aflame, in wonder at how the Lord brought this miracle of love about - two people at the right time, with the same life ethos, the same levels of energy and service, the same heart for God, the same eagerness and delight in the other....

And all that sadness sinks into its rightful place and we see how God's gentle lessons were all necessary to bring us to this moment.

Taste and see that the Lord is good....

Tehila-rtl387 {Israel} January 2025

 Online dating can work!!  

My husband and I met on sometime around May, 2001, met on his 50th birthday in June, 2001 and were married in Oct. 2001.

He lived 20 minutes south of Chicago and I lived in the Metro East St. Louis area.

After we started talking on we knew some of the same people because we were affiliated with the same church organization. So we weren't complete strangers to each other.

We have must certainly had our ups and down but here we are working on or 24th year together!

Linda {Missouri} January 2025

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