Dating and marrying a divorced person.

marrying a divorced person

Can I date and eventually marry someone who’s divorced? What should I do if I found the right person, but he/she is divorced? What does the Bible says about it and what does God wants us to do?

Dear Jim: If I marry a divorced person, will I have committed adultery and go to hell as the Bible says?

This question pulls together several things that are actually separate issues. God hates sin, there is a penalty for sin, and there are certainly consequences. Before we ‘shoot’ all the divorced people and send them to Hell, I invite you to consider the following:

Finding hope in God when the world is collapsing around us.

Finding hope in God when the world is collapsing around us?

‘Where was God?’ when everything was going wrong? What should we expect when we see our world crumbling under our feet and the only hope we have is to wait for God’s timing and promise.

Dear Jim: Where can I find hope when all hell is going on around me?

Single Adults, many are going through a prolonged hell in their lives and the odds of ever finding a stable and joyful life again seem dim. My concern is that all of us not lose hope!

Do you know how many times the word ‘hope’ is mentioned in the Bible? I was surprised as I looked to some software I have for Biblical concordance. This word is spread throughout both the Old and New Testament. David’s words in the Psalms are especially meaningful. Take a look at some of David’s thoughts:

Still single: Why aren’t you dating yet?

still single? Why aren't you dating yet?

With the New Year, we see Christian singles seeking new relationships and their worries about running out of time to find that special someone. Dr. Jim explains that everything is in God’s hand and we should gear down and look at what is the best approach to seeking our future spouse.

Dear Jim: What is your hurry?

Time is an element of this world. The first ‘click’ of the clock was set into motion by God, and He will be the one to step in and stop the pendulum from swinging. Time totally controls our world, but time is not present in Heaven!

The Bible shares with us that, among other attributes, God is Omniscient (all knowing). Since He is not controlled by time, He knows everything at once. For us, we have to describe this as past, present, and future. God does not have a past, present and future – He IS, or as He stated it ‘I AM’.

Christian Singles and the New Year

Christian single and new year?

New Year is just around the corner and once again Christian singles are wondering what it is going to be to start a new year alone and how to obtain encouragement in God’s Word about being single when they would like to be dating someone.

What to do as a Christian single for New Year’s Eve.

If you’re single, you might be thinking: “Not again, another New Year’s Eve and I’m single”.  Or, family members may be making remarks, or asking if you’re dating someone, or if you’ve found somebody interesting.

Our Christmas wishes for all singles at this wonderful time.

 Christmas wishes to all Christian singles out there

Christmas spirit should be around us all year round, not just now. Christ’s birth has lots to teach us and to show His plan for redemption for all mankind. Let us celebrate this great gift God has presented to us over 2,000 years ago with Christmas wishes to all that are in need.

Christmas wishes for this time of the year.

Many Christian singles spend the evening with family or friends, but as one of their Christmas wishes is to be with someone, they can feel alone and distressed. However, another way to view this Season is to see Christmas as a season of inspired giving and charity. When we put aside our own worries, and focus on those less fortunate, our own burden can feel less heavy and we can experience the true Christmas “spirit”. While celebrating our Savior’s birth, let us also remember to praise our Creator, which can make our lives special and meaningful to others.

Does God have a soul mate for me or do I have to find “the one” myself?

Does God have a soul mate for me or do I have to look for one myself?

Often Christian singles are in doubt while searching for a soul mate, and a question comes up: has God selected a soul mate for me or is there more than one? And, will it be up to me to pick the right person? Dr. Jim shows us what we should understand about God’s desires for our lives.

Dear Jim: Does God have a soulmate for me, or is there more than one and it is up to me to find?

This question has been around a long time. Christian singles develop a variety of beliefs regarding this – thinking that they have THE interpretation from God/Bible. One thing is clear, the Bible does not directly answer this question for us. I suggest that an answer has to take into consideration the attributes of God as well as how He created us. Let me share some thoughts that contribute toward an answer.

What to look for in a Christian relationship?

All the important things to look for in a relationship
Even before we look for that special someone on a Christian dating site, let’s learn how we should love – and see love.  It’s the best way to have a healthy relationship.

What things should I be looking for in a Christian relationship?

Our natural side often directs us to look for the wrong things when seeking a new relationship. Some of the forces at play are ‘normal’ drives, but they too often take on more significance than they should, for example, the physical side.  I don’t think that I need to direct any comments toward personal preferences that you may have, and these have their place. However, I would invite you to consider that things that are SO important in dating become relatively insignificant after marriage.

Christmas Songs collection from youtube music videos.

Christmas Songs

Here are some of the most beautiful, inspiring, well known Christmas songs – from Christian to secular singers.  We all  (single or not) hear these joyful songs about Christ’s birth this time of year. We hope they bring back great childhood memories. You can also listen to great worship songs from the Worship Songs we chose, while enjoying some hot chocolate beside a warm fireplace (or imagining one)!

What should I do with a troubled relationship?

Troubled relationship
When a relationship is going nowhere and/or what to do with a troubled relationship? Here are some good points about how to deal with stressful times and to rely on God for guidance.

Dear Jim: My relationship is not going anywhere – what should I do?

Relationship challenges come in all sorts of packages. For some it is how do I find one? For others, it is what do I do with the one that I am in??? I receive emails from those who have been dating for sometime and it does not seem to be going anywhere. They genuinely love/care for the other person, but nothing has seemed to move it to the desired marriage.

Being Single and Trusting in God

Today’s post is for Christian single women and the heart-break of many who want to meet their special someone. Waiting on God for His timing is the key. Today’s guest blogger, Joanne Ellison, speaks from the heart in a short video.

Joanne Ellison: Many women come to me about being single when they want to be married. Let’s look at the book of Hosea to get some perspective on this.

About Joanne