New Year is just around the corner and once again Christian singles are wondering what it is going to be to start a new year alone and how to obtain encouragement in God’s Word about being single when they would like to be dating someone.
What to do as a Christian single for New Year’s Eve.
If you’re single, you might be thinking: “Not again, another New Year’s Eve and I’m single”. Or, family members may be making remarks, or asking if you’re dating someone, or if you’ve found somebody interesting.
New Year’s Eve can be fun, but also can be hard being single, still. Many Christian singles have to deal with loneliness like any other single does, religious or not. The difference is that we can keep our hopes up and can trust that everything is in God’s perfect timing, even if we don’t see it. He is in control and if He desires, no matter what you or others think, He may be preparing that special someone for you. You just need to have patience and trust that everything will work out if you allow God to guide your life. It’s hard to wait and trust (really hard!), but patience can be helped by reading your Bible and putting its principles to work in your life. Read the stories of those who trusted the Lord and how He provided for their needs, when they cried out for His help.
Trust in God’s timing.
God’s timing is always the best, but we humans sometimes end up forcing things to try and solve our problems right now. However, trusting Him is the best for us, and even if He doesn’t respond the way we were expecting, we just have to realize that sometimes some desires will be never fulfilled and it is up to us to trust God and His timing. Patience is the key for trusting His Will over ours.
So, if you’re facing the beginning of the New Year with uncertainties, doubts, and wondering what has the future has for you, don’t be afraid, don’t give up, and take heart, for He is still in charge! He will guide your life and direct your paths – if you just let Him do it!
Don’t just sit down; take control over your destiny.
And, don’t just sit there and wait for His answer. You have to make yourself available for Him to guide that special someone into your life. Sitting in front of the TV won’t help. Go about your life, get involved in singles activities, become more involved in your church, and check out online Christian dating sites such as
Let God guide you in all that you do! Be strong, don’t give up, and don’t despair, for God is there fighting with you, getting the right person ready for you – and you ready, at the same time.
Happy New Year!
One year I told my pastor that Jesus was going to be my date for New Year’s Eve.