Real Love! What does real love mean?

real love
What is the meaning of real love? How can we honor Jesus’ sacrifice for all of us at Easter? What is the meaning of God’s love for humanity? Dr. Jim gives some insight about how Christians should honor Christ’s sacrifice this Easter. As Easter begins, let’s not forget that nothing speaks more clearly of God’s Love than the Cross!

Real love

The night was still and dry, as only it can be on the desert. It was so quiet with only a dog barking in the distance. The 33 year old single man had not slept all night as he wrestled with anguish in what he knew was about to take place when the sun came up. It would be a shameful day, one filled with great pain and rejection – a day he did not deserve.

Suddenly the glow of a candle faintly threw its glow across his room. He could hear voices down the hall as men were awakening and rising to the day’s activities. He found himself holding his breath as he awaited the beginning of the day of days.

Starting a new relationship before divorce is final?

new relationship

Should Christians look for a new relationship before a divorce is final? Should a single person go ahead with a relationship with a person whose divorce hasn’t been finalized yet? Dr. Jim gives advice about the consequences and what is the best approach for situations like this.

Is it okay to begin a new relationship before the divorce is final?

The scenario is usually presented to me something like the following. The individual has been diligently searching for someone where there are strong compatibilities and attractions. One is found in their search and they enjoy a great initial experience. The other person then shares that they are going through a divorce and the papers are not yet final. Often what follows is a story of why it is taking so long or the many trials and difficulties that divorcing the other person is creating. These facts are not lies, although there may be some embellishment out of their own perspective and needs.

How can I be sure that I’ll have good sex after marriage? Sexual Compatibility (Part 2)

sexual compatibility

In this article Dr. Jim explains why you should not have sexual relations before marriage and how to achieve sexual compatibility.  Sex is not everything in a marriage, but its satisfation grows over with time.  This is a must read for Christian singles who are searching for an informative article about sex.

How can I be sure that I’ll have good sex after marriage? (Part 2)

Part 1 provided the fact that God intended for sex to be a vital part of marriage. It went on to give some guidance to those who do not desire or who are not able to have sexual relations after marriage.

I’d like to share some thoughts on how one can gain a strong understanding of potential sexual compatibility after marriage.

Sex before marriage.

How can I be sure I will have good sex after marriage? (Part 1)

sex after marriage part1

Christian singles struggle with the thought of knowing if their future spouse will be sexual compatible.  How do you find out if you’ll have a great sex life if you are not having sex before marriage? Dr. Jim explains what you should do and expect as a married person.

How can I be sure that I’ll have good sex after marriage? (Part 1)

The subject of sex is always a hot topic with single adults. Every article that I write on the subject is assured to have numerous responses. An often-received response asks how one can be assured that they will have a good sexual relationship after marriage, without having sex before. Good Christian men and women struggle with this question.

Unequally Yoked – Dating a non-believer.

Unequally Yoked

Christian singles who are looking for a spouse sometimes come to the question of whether it is ok to date a non-believer. Or, what the reaction of their family would be if they brought home someone who wasn’t Christian. Are these kind of relationships worth pursuing? What does the Bible says about being unequally yoked?

Christian music for the soul

Christian Music

Every Christian should realize how important worship is for God and for ourselves, as well. Through this we can show God how much we appreciate everything He has done for us. Inspired by many great Christian writers, Christian singers and songs, we at have dedicated this page to a few amazing Christian songs that are played over and over in churches around the globe – and no one gets tired of them. Join us in worshipping the Lord with this great and awesome Christian music. Don’t forget to check out other great Christian Songs!

Valentines Day is all about love.

valentines day

For this coming Valentines day don’t get discouraged because you don’t have a date. Here are some simple and good tips and suggestions about spending the most romantic day of the year – while not feeling discouraged and even jealous.

Valentines day is all about love.

It’s a day to celebrate love and romance. A date on Valentine’s day is like a first date. And it’s more likely to be the first romantic date you will share with your other half, when you meet the right person.

If you don’t have a date for this Valentines, don’t get discouraged; rather, be happy, and don’t feel obligated to go on a date, just because you don’t want to feel lonely. Love can happen when we least expect it. Get excited for things to come and for people you can meet while having fun with other single friends on this day of Love.

Top Christian Songs of 2015

Top Christian Songs of 2015

Another year has passed and once again we present the Top Christian Songs of 2015, courtesy of Billboard. Each year we’ve been presenting our readers with the best Christians songs of the year! You can also check our past lists such as Top Christian Songs of 2014,
Top Christian Songs of 2013,
Top Christian Songs of 2012,
Top Christian Songs of 2011,
Top Christian Songs of 2010,
Top Christian Songs of 2009!

New Year’s Prayer for Singles

New Year Prayer for Christian Singles

Another year has come and gone and the expectation for a new beginning starts right away. Some singles might feel lost or even discouraged with high expectations for New Year’s Resolutions, changing of habits, pursuing new plans and goals, and/or the challenges of looking for a mate. The good news is that by allowing God to work on us, we’ll be able to start the New Year with confidence of a better outcome for our plans (even if it doesn’t always go the way we planned or desired). We should hand over our heart’s desires to God in the hopes for a better future and a more fulfilled life.