Focus on the Family Further Helping Christian Singles Connect

Focus On The Family &
Announcement of the alliance between and Focus On The Family.

It’s official! is now the exclusive Christian dating partner of Boundless, the singles outreach brand for Focus on the Family. will host Boundless’ superb content in a new ‘Dating 101’ section of the web site while Boundless will promote to its followers.

From the press release:

“, a Christian-owned online dating service, is now the exclusive online dating site working with Boundless, Focus’ outreach to young adults., known for its articles and weekly podcast on issues ranging from biblical dating and relationships to worldview, culture and faith, will provide content for singles on, including articles on navigating the path to marriage with purpose and a solid foundation.” members can look forward to even more Christian singles to connect with, while being guided by some of the great writings of the Boundless team.

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