Pastor Jim discusses the importance of recognizing our sin and giving it over to God to make us clean and pure again, just like fresh fallen snow!
Let It Snow, Let It Snow…
Snow presents some interesting comparisons for our consideration. I heard someone share on the radio this week that snow is an equalizer. It makes everything appear beautiful. No matter what lies underneath, it blots out the ugly and presents a picture that can make artists become famous when they capture it on canvas. Thomas Kinkade is one artist that I especially enjoy who has many such scenes.
If you have been reading my articles very long you know by now that I have a different slant on the way I look at most things. This idea of snow covering and making things beautiful sparked a reminder in my mind. The verse in Isaiah 1:18 quickly came to mind with a new meaning:
“Come now, let us reason together,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.’
Do you have a memory of something you have done that brings shame and regret to mind when you think of it? I think that each of us does if we are being totally honest. Do you think that God knows about this? Yes He does, and no He does not.
God Can Cleanse You Of Sin
God knew before you and I were born what thoughts and actions we would have in our lives – the good and bad. Even with this knowledge, God tells us in Isaiah that He is ready to send a giant snowstorm to ‘blot’ out our sin. Can you picture for a moment how God sees your life – if you have asked Him for forgiveness? He sees all white! He is certainly not color-blind, but his cleansing is like a giant snowstorm across our lives. He sees a beauty that Thomas Kinkade and no other artist has yet even experienced, much less painted.
The Snow Job Of The Enemy
I need to add to this that there is another who loves to ‘dust snow’ in your life. His is the task to imitate and try to appear as if he is capable of wiping away our sins. His snow job is very good and too often we allow ourselves to think that his way, or any other way than God’s, is cleaning the slate of our sins and creating a masterpiece. It is a masterpiece of denial, deception, and disgust. I see this picture of a small kid spraying white stuff all over the room thinking that he is covering up things that he does not want Mother or others to find. Does it work? It may provide a temporary illusion, but when the powder settles it takes on the appearance more like a mess than a winter scene.
Find below some past blog post about sin, how to heal, what to share:
Let Go Of The Past.
Relationship and Past, when to share?
Singles, while parts of life can become very complicated, the truth and what is best for each of us should not be complicated. God provides the way to every victory that will bring you real joy and peace.
As you enter into the holiday season this year, look for the beautiful snow and thank God for the kind we can see, and the kind we can experience. Consider areas in your life that you may be trying to make into a winter scene of beauty and ask by whose hand you are being guided?
God sees each of us as a beauty to behold! Go for the real snow this year.
Dr. Jim
Psalm 51:7-9 ‘Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice. Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity”
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