One of the biggest names in music for a few years now has been none other than Katy Perry. But Katy Perry started out making music (more specifically, Christian music) as Katy Hudson.
Katy Hudson/Perry’s music, back then, could be described as Sarah McLachlan with a bit of Alanis Morissette in the mix, I suppose. Less pop (a la Katy Perry), more typical singer-songwriter material.
Back then, as her first Christian album was about to be released (at age 16), she did this fairly awkward interview with a Christian TV show.
Katy discusses touring, her first album and the difference between Nashville (where the album was recorded) and the West Coast (where she’s from). Also noted, this quote: “I don’t really have any friends, besides one.”
In another interview with a Christian TV show, Katy Hudson states she writes about her “relationship with Christ and the pitfalls encountered”. This was just before her album was to come out.
In February 2001, she performed the single, “Search Me”, live as captured in this shaky video.
Other songs from the album titled “Katy Hudson” include “Trust in Me” and “Faith Won’t Fail“:
Trust in Me
Faith Won’t Fail
Speaking of that self titled album, you can listen to it in its entirety below:
What do you think about the transformation of Christian artist Katy Hudson into to today’s pop star Katy Perry? Do you think other Christian artists would be more successful if they created more “mainstream” music? Would that be a good thing (more exposure possibly, but with a less Christian-specific message)?. Let us know in the comments below!
Jesus asked us to love one another. This can only be shown by example. While some of Katy’s songs would not be church approved, a lot of her work tries to spread Jesus’ message of unconditional love. Jesus didn’t sit in a church spouting messages, he went among all the people, enjoyed their company and let his example of acceptance draw people in. There is a palpable amount of love and acceptance in Katy’s songs. In this she does the work of our Lord and Savior. In the end, He is the ONLY one with the right to judge for only He knows if Katy completed the task he sent her out on when he cleared the path for her music to be heard all over the world. To truly love the Lord, to have that close, personal relationship with Him is to know that He will always guide you to do His work wherever it takes you. To second guess God’s plan for someone else’s life is to deny that His will exists. Should Christian entertainers go mainstream? Only if the Lord has opened that path for you to do His work. If He hasn’t, it was not meant to be.