co-founder and CEO, Sam Moorcroft, recently was interviewed by Cyber-Dating Expert Julie Spira. They talk about the trends of the online dating world, online dating tips, and how came about. The interview is embedded below. Find out who is behind and how it came about.
If you would like to read more about dating tips, this is the best way for you to find out more about how to increase your changes while trying dating online.
Could you do a post on interracial dating/marriage within the evangelical Christian community?
I’m disappointed that there aren’t more evangelical Christians open to being in an interracial marriage. I believe that, oftentimes, the root cause of this is racism, though some try to disguise it with all manner of rationalizations. Research has found that evangelicals in American are more likely to hold racist beliefs than non-evangelicals (quoted in “Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience: Why Are Christians Living Just Like the Rest of the World?” by Ronald Snider). And we wonder why so many unbelievers think we’re full of baloney. Some evangelicals display what I’ll call “selective” racism by being willing to enter into an interracial marriage with people of race X, but not with people of race Y. That’s not good enough because it means the evangelical in question is still sinning against people of race Y.
John Piper delivered a sermon titled “Racial Harmony and Interracial Marriage” in 2005 that I think will challenge and inspire many of us. Anyone interested can find a free video of the sermon on the website for John Piper’s Ministries (website name is DesiringGod).