You’ve done the back and forth online with someone you’re interested in. Now it’s time to meet in person – whether for coffee, a drink, dinner, mini-golf or whatever else. You have a coupon for this fine establishment you want to take your date to. Is it OK to use that coupon on a date? Would your date feel that you’re cheap – or would she think you’re just really good with your money?
This very topic has been debated extensively on the Forums (discussion thread here for those with a Cafe login).
The consensus among women in our Forums is one of three things:
1. No!
2. Yes, it shows he’s good with money!
3. Not on a first date, but after it’s ‘ok’.
A few excerpts:
“I would love to be able to go to a nicer place to eat because my date had a coupon than otherwise.”
“I have no problem with someone being careful with what they have–it’s how I was raised, and I would WANT to see that value in someone I dated.”
“why waste what can be doing other good work for God!? I am not into how things “look”…I am into getting to know someone and enjoying their company.”
“I would have no problem with a coupon, as long as I didn’t have to pay! :)”
“I would not see a coupon as a problem if we’d been dating for a bit, but I would definitely have a problem with a coupon on a first or second date. “
“I wouldn’t mind my date using a coupon. Although he better leave a nice tip.”
“A coupon wouldn’t bother me at all. I use them all the time! I understand dating can get expensive for men, and I certainly don’t want anyone swiping a credit card they can’t pay off at the end of the month because of me.”
“… if I am going on a serious first date, and I see the coupons coming…then that’s it…he just signed his death warrant :)”
“Agree. On the other hand, if it’s a coupon for Mcdonalds… that’s gotto be a little off putting especially if you don’t know the person that well.”
“I stick with my original assertion. I really don’t care if he uses a coupon or not. And how would I know? Am I gonna snoop over his shoulder when the bill comes? Puh-leez!”
“Well to be honest if I was back in my 20’s I would probably say “shock and horror!!” lol…but now that I’m about to turn 40 I can say I’d find it attractive!”
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below, or join to discuss this and other topics with other Christian singles! Yes, you can join up and discuss free for 10 days!
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