Thanksgiving should be a daily response of any Christian. This year’s message for our Christian singles friends is centered on thanksgiving, blessing, grace, and sacrifice. Remember to praise the Lord, even in our darkest hours, for all that He has done, is doing, and will do for us.; He is in charge, no matter how lonely we may feel, at times! Let this Thanksgiving be a happy and a thankful one, no matter our circumstances.
As Thanksgiving nears, we should take some time to praise God for all the good thing He has done for each of us.
Like Christmas, Thanksgiving can be a difficult time for Christian singles to celebrate, as they feel “alone” even when they are gathered with family or friends. We should thank God by also helping others to celebrate this great occasion, by gathering with family and friends, be they married or single, so even if this doesn’t mean much for you it can mean a great deal for someone else who is feeling lonely at this time.
Thanksgiving and the overshadow of the blessing received
When the early Pioneers survived their second harsh winter in what was to become America, at their first harvest they were so thankful to God and their Indian friends that they prepared a great meal to commemorate their survival (even though they had lost many loved ones during their first winter).
Now, Thanksgiving is a tradition that most American families celebrate (as well as those in Canada, although it is done in early October, due to a shorter growing season). Thanksgiving is a bigger event than Christmas. It is the busiest travel time of the year, as people travel to be with loved ones. When we think about Thanksgiving, we think about good food and our loved ones (sadly, it is can also be a time of great loneliness). Of course, it’s great to have times like these, however, we shouldn’t allow the celebrations to overshadow the real intent of the Pioneers, which was to thank God for all the blessings they received.
The greatest sacrifice done by Jesus Christ
When we thank and praise God for what we have received, we are creating a way to be closer to Him, and this allows us to see more of God in our own lives. All of what He has done for us and the many blessing received weren’t just random events, but deliberately given to us by Him. These gifts are God’s touches in our lives, in the form of these blessings.
Even if we are going through hard times, be it our health, career, friendship, family, ongoing relationships or even not finding that special someone, we should still be grateful, as God has a time and purpose for everything. As His timing is perfect, we shouldn’t be alarmed or anxious about anything but should put all our trust in Him Alone.
Sometimes we think we know what is best for us, but God knows all and sees what the best outcome of our lives ought to be. We should trust our lives to the Lord every single day and we should ask that God’s Will become ours. We must realize that in our lives (even in hard times), we have much more to be thankful for, than to ask. God works in our lives, in our surroundings, in everything, for good, even though we don’t always see the good. We ought to trust with all our hearts and with all our soul to whatever our Lord has in store for us.
Thanksgiving even in our darkest hours
If you are in a time of your life where you are struggling, no matter your situation, no matter how hard you think your life is going (even if we feel that by now we should be dating someone, or be married already, have a family, etc.), remember to be thankful for what our master Jesus did for us on the cross, as well as all His amazing promises to all who follow Him. God should be glorified by us all the time and for everything (no matter how things look to us!). And, what perfect timing it is for Thanksgiving to allow God to know how thankful we are for all His blessings! (No one is suggesting it is easy to be thankful during times of struggle!).
Happy Thanksgiving from
May our God bless all the Christian singles on and their families as they gather together to celebrate this amazing time of thanking God for all the gifts He has blessed us with; what He has given us, such as material blessings, such as the spiritual ones. We should be thankful not just at this time, but every single day, for all that He has done, is doing, and will do, for us.
Let Us Sing Songs of Praise & Thanksgiving (Psalm 95:1-6) – O Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. For the LORD is a great God, And a great King above all gods, In whose hand are the depths of the earth; The peaks of the mountains are His also. The sea is His, for it was He who made it; And His hands formed the dry land. Come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.

I needed that !