

It’s a good thing to show gratitude to our Lord for the multitudes of grace He presents us each and every day. We should always have a thanksgiving heart for everything that comes into our lives. Above all, God is good and good all the time (even if we don’t always know it)!

Gratitude always, even in bad times.

Life can be overwhelming with so much going on around the world today (a certain virus comes to mind). But, when we have a merciful God who blesses us with infinite love and grace, we know we can conquer anything with His help.

It’s when we count our blessings that we truly realize just how much our God has done for us. We can rejoice as we realize how much we’re in debt to His goodness towards us (yet, a debt that has been canceled!). An attitude of thanksgiving should be present in all our actions, including things we need that we do not yet possess.

Our thankfulness especially shouldn’t depend on our circumstances or the people in our lives. We should be thankful simply because we have a grateful heart. Our soul should always be thirsting for God. So, let us always seek God for Who He Is and not for what we think we can “get” from Him.

We truly have a lot to be grateful to God for (even when it appears that we haven’t). He has taught us many times in the Bible about His love, grace, forgiveness, and thanksgiving towards us. We can learn so much from God by reading His Scriptures. From those, we know that He is kind and patient, even to the ungrateful servant. As it says in Matthew 5:45, “the rain falls on the just and the unjust”.

When we thank God, let’s thank Him for everything we have and receive and for creating us in His Image. Most of all, let us always be thankful for being loved by Him. We know we don’t deserve these blessings. However, because He first loved us, we should love Him, too. And, always be grateful (no one is saying it’s easy some or a lot of the time!).

Check out our past blog post about Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving even in our darkest hours

A Grateful Heart Towards Others

It may not always be easy, depending on our circumstances, but we should have a grateful heart, regardless. We all have blessings throughout the year and in our lives, however small they may seem to be sometimes. We can show our love and appreciation to others by a simple gesture, or a kind word, and support for the ones with whom we share our daily lives. Let us also remember to be thankful to those who make our lives brighter and our world a little less stressful.

There’s no better way for us to re-pay the blessings we’ve received than with a grateful heart towards others and our Lord. When we understand that everything that has been given to us and all the good that has happened in our lives, it’s easier to be grateful for all of these things.

Gratitude Towards God

For the simple act of walking, seeing, and being alive, we should be thankful to God. We all have so many small miracles in our daily lives. When we understand that everything we have came from God, our thanksgiving should be for each and every one of those blessings. By showing our gratitude, we’re really showing the world Whom we serve.

With the crazy world in which we find ourselves in today, more than ever, we should praise our Lord for being so good to us, even if none of us deserve His love and forgiveness. We should live our lives in truth and as a living sacrifice as much as we can. This way, others will see through us that our Lord is a living God Who cares about all of us.

Gratitude is one of the most beautiful virtues a Christian can have. Let us always remember that all glory and honor belong to our wonderful Lord. And, be thankful for His kindness towards us, His children.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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