Here’s a cross-border love story for you. Mike used to live in Niagara Falls, Ontario; Alex in Cleveland, Ohio. They both moved out West and, once again, lived quite close to each other – again on either side of the Canada / USA border (Mike in Victoria, BC and Alex in Seattle). After getting to know each other on, they started visiting each other on weekends. Now, they report they are happily engaged!:
“Our first few emails were more like small novels as we discovered our similar interests and experiences… There was a connection even over the computer! We met in person in December in Victoria and had our first date at Butchart Gardens (even though no one told us there aren’t any flowers in December there…) and then walked to Victoria Harbour. We had so much to talk about and it felt like we had known each other forever. I never felt so much at ease with someone. From that day on, we’ve spend hours every night chatting and take the ferry to see each other on the weekends.”
Congrats! Dating tip: Include a few neighboring states and provinces in your search — even those across the border. Who knows who you might find!

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