When Christians singles don’t see their requests answered by God, it’s important to ask, pray, wait, and praise. But, what are the reason for our struggles? In this blog post, Dr. Jim teaches us how to trust God in times of struggles and why we should rely on faith, always.
Are you struggling with God for an answer?
Often I receive a question from a single adult regarding their struggle with God for an answer. It is very likely that this is a significant area for the person or they would not be struggling as much. Important questions need an answer, but the timing of the answer is often not the timing that we want to experience.
What does one do when they find themselves struggling for an answer and it is not coming? If it is a question being posed to God, why is He choosing to not respond quickly and clearly? It can become a major frustration.
Allow me to share some thoughts for you to consider when you find yourself in such a time:
- There are times when we are struggling that we have actually not really posed the question. It is more of a ‘feeling’ rolling around within us. Taking the time to write out the question can in itself contribute toward the answer. Seeing it written out brings some reality and we ‘see’ the answer
- Sometimes it will be revealed that what you are seeking is overly self-indulgent, and not truly best for you. You can waste a lot of time if you continue chasing after such things.
- Once you know clearly what the struggle is, share it with God. This is not a time to tune in your brain to send waves to Heaven. Prayer is an intimate expression, either verbal or non-verbal, between our spirits and God’s Spirit. I suggest that your sharing with God needs to be done at a spiritual level. REALLY share it with God.
- As you share with God, tell Him that you need for Him to show you the answer with clarity. Invite His Spirit to reveal areas within you that you need to discover in this experience. It might be that you have some blockage that needs to be processed BEFORE you are free to find the answer to your question.
- Ask God to guide you through a process that will reveal the true answer.
- If you feel led, go to a wise mature Christian. Proverbs tells us that there is wisdom in seeking the counsel of the wise. Share your situation with them and invite their prayers and counsel.
Develop some Christian buddies (of the same gender) to walk with you through this time. They can be immensely valuable for you, as you can for them.
- The next part is perhaps the most challenging for each of us. WAIT. This is very difficult to do when the struggle appears so large within. I have watched this work itself out over and over, in my own life and in the lives of others. When one does not wait, more times than not they make a decision that comes back to haunt them. This applies to every area of life, including seeking a mate. However, when one waits on God for His timing and guidance, He favors them with an answer that demonstrates it was wise to wait.
- Waiting is exercising a spiritual muscle – FAITH. If everything came to us quickly and without effort, it would have less value and we would certainly not grow in faith.
- God always answers. It may be a ‘yes,’ ‘no,’ ‘wait,’ OR ‘you have to be kidding.’ Okay, the last one is my contribution because I honestly believe that some things that we chase makes God just shake His head.
Listen what Lisa Anderson, from Focus On The Family, has to say about: Waiting on God’s Timing.
What are the reasons for our struggles? Why does God allow them in the first place?
Struggles are indeed a part of life. If you find yourself in a struggle – honor it. God allows struggles in our lives to honor Him, help us grow, or bless someone. Two verses come to mind that I want you to think about, in closing:
James 1:2-5
‘Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.’
Isaiah 40:31
‘but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.’
You are not struggling alone. God is with you and will see you through, according to 1Cor. 10:13.
Dr. Jim
Author of Internet Dating: A guide for Christian Singles

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